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Soaring Eagle Dairy's tour groups

Farmers from Germany:

Farmers from Germany

Farmers from Germany 2025:

farmers from Germany


Manitowoc YMCA Head Start kids:

Manitowoc Chamber Leader Develoment Group:

Manitowoc Chamber Leader Development group

Ascend Services Inc.:

Ascend Services Inc day participants touring Soaring Eagle Dairy Ascend Service participants in front of calf hutch Kelly Goehring with calf.jpg

Ascend Service day service participant by cow.jpg Ascend Service day service participant by cow.jpg

Ascend Service day service participant by cow.jpg


UW Manitowoc Environmental Science class:

UW Manitowoc Environmental Science

UW Manitowoc Environmental Science

Kiel FFA/ Zielanis Elementary School Kindergarten class:

Zielanis Elementary School kindergarten students in barn Zielanis Elementary School kindergartners

Zielanis Elementary School kindergartners with some Kiel FFA members Zielanis Elementary School kindergartners Zielanis Elementary School kindergartners sitting by cage

Zielanis Elementary School listening to a Kiel FFA student Zielanis Elementary School kindergartners sitting by a goat

Visiting LTC students from Germany:

Lakeshore Technical College students from Germany

Kiel FFA/Zielanis Elementary School 1st graders:

Kiel FFA/Zielanis Elementary School first graders by tractor Zielanis Elementary School student on saddle

Kiel FFA student holding a chicken Kiel FFA student walking with goatKiel FFA student with lamb

Zielanis Elementary School first graders fenced in with pigZielanis Elementary School students by horseZielanis Elementary School students learning

Zielanis Elementary School students/Kiel FFA studentsZielanis Elementary School students/Kiel FFA students

Manitowoc YMCA:

Manitowoc YMCA students

Manitowoc YMCA Students


New Holstein 4k students:

New Holstein, WI 4k students New Holstein 4k students


New Holstein students with youngstock New Holstein students with calf New Holstein students outside

New Holstein 4k students in calf hutch Soaring Eagle Dairy calf licking child's finger



Lakeshore Technical College Dairy Herd Management students:

YMCA Summer Camp 2014:

Group of kids from the YMCA summer camp YMCA kids with a calf

Some YMCA kids petting a holstein calf YMCA summer camp kids in the calf barn

Farmers from California to New York:

Tour group Tour group 2



Manitowoc County Chamber of Commerce Leadership Group:

Manitowoc County Chamber of Commerce Manitowoc County of Commerce 2

Manitowoc County Chamber of Commerce 3


Fox Valley Technical College students:

Fox Valley Tech students Fox Valley Tech students 2


YMCA summer camp program 2013:

YMCA summer camp program 2013